OAuth followup
Acts As Conference '09 was a success. We took the team out to the conference, got to see some awesome presentations, and I also presented OAuth and APIs: Sharing your data without leaving your zipper down.
Confreaks was there with wifi and recording the presentations. I'll be posting the video when it gets put up.
I did want to put one resource online ASAP. I found a small version of the following image online, and wanted to use it in the presentation, but was way too small to zoom in on. Roozbeh made a huge version of it, and it was perfect for the presentation. So, I wanted to put it back out there in the hopes that it will improve someone else's presentation. :D
It is a graphic of the OAuth Authentication Flow, showing the steps of the process, along with the variables that get passed back and forth during the process. Definitely useful in understanding how the whole thing works.