Cloudspace announces uRefer

Posted on by Dave Geffken

Cloudspace is proud to announce the launch of a new Child Service and Foster Application, uRefer.

The uRefer system allows District Case Managers and Private Investigators to electronically make referrals for services and get updates from the service providers on service delivery.  Some of the main features of the tool are:

  1. System integration - Simply by entering a FSFN Case ID, the user will have most of the demographic information on the case automatically imported into the system.  Therefore, services can be distributed to different providers without having to repopulate the information over and over again.  The remaining extra information is provider-specific for each service.  Those questions can be edited by a service provider at any time, independent of a developer, while also holding the historical integrity of the data.
  2. Tracking referrals - The status of each referral and service is prominently displayed, giving the user instant feedback on the status of all their pending referrals.
  3. Single portal for all services - Right now, all UFF Contracted Services are in the system.  The goal is to get all other non-UFF services in the system as well so the District Case Managers and Private Investigators can see all the services available within the community.
  4. Integration with the Comprehensive Assessment Referral System (CARS) for CBHAs - uRefer is linked with the CARS CBHA system (also developed by Cloudspace) so that making referrals to both will be streamlined and simple.  Until now, these two related processes were not linked together.
  5. The uRefer system is also the first time we have integrated our new Form Creator into another Cloudspace tool. Form Creator allows users to create their own forms of questions, totally independent of a developer.  Some of the features of Form Creator are: required questions, question dependencies, question ordering, grouping questions into sections which can also be ordered, and historical storage of questions and answers that have been retired from the system.

With the launch of this new system, the old way of processing service referrals has been streamlined and improved dramatically, and we look forward to it's impact in the community!

A special thanks goes out to everyone at United for Families for the vision that led to the development of uRefer, and the drive to improve their quality of service.  To Chad Collins and Tammy Tappan of United for Families, who are the main force behind the ability of UFF to be able to work with Cloudspace and develop these tools for the betterment of the affiliated foster agencies.  Last but not least, to Matt Baker and Buddy Ganesh of CHS for helping us get and organize the information required to make this system a reality.

United for Families is a non-profit agency charged with developing community-based services and supports for children and families served by the child welfare system in Martin, St. Lucie, Indian River and Okeechobee Counties.

The agency's mission is to break the cycle of child abuse through a diverse network of community partners and innovative services.

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